12 December 2012

Paris vu par Hollywood

There is a special exposition going on at Hotel de Ville this fall called "Paris vu par Hollywood" (Paris seen by Hollywood). It demonstrates the impression of Paris that audiences receive from watching American Hollywood movies which take place in the city.

Although we had to wait in line for over an hour outside in the rain before we could enter (a free exposition in Paris is rare and very popular), it was worth it to see.

They had all sorts of different items from movies that are set in Paris - costumes, scripts, pictures, letters from directors, producers, etc. It was very cool.

In the background of the large room they had a projector continuously showing clips and scenes from some of the most famous Paris movies. I had never realized just how many there are. Audrey Hepburn was a popular theme - she must have loved Paris. There were also many Disney movies and childhood favorites.

Overall it was pretty interesting to see America's Paris. I wonder what the Parisians who visited the exposition thought of it all...

A bientot!

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